
Red Handed

You caught me. I'm a procrastinator, a bit of a liar, a work-yourself-up-in-your-head-yet-still-never-accomplish-what-you-set-out-to-because-you-get-side-tracked-er.
 I fully planned on telling you all about Disney and posting a great many pictures and even, perhaps, throwing in a video. 
But, life got a little crazier and my time mixed with my schedule had me spread a little thinner. So, here we are months later Disney Vacation Part Two-less. 

Oh, well. On another less embarrassing note, I got a job. (Almost two of them) 
I went to prom.
I bought a car. (Soon it will be pink)
 I graduated High School.
I threw a party.
I received a Pink Kitchen-aid Mixer, a Cannon Rebel T3i, a pearl necklace, gobs of money, goldfish galore, a scrapbook of letters that brings me to tears, lets of well wishes, and a new wave of excitement for the things to come and a reinforced gratitude for the things I'm already blessed with.

Planning parties is so much fun for me, my mom, and my aunt. 
As you can see this one went swimmingly. It included face painting, carnival games, hot dogs, candy, popcorn, peanuts, and carnival music playing through out. 
My grandma made me some Lemon Raspberry and some Root Beer cupcakes,
as per my request, and my momma made green apples dipped in blue candy, 
too cute.
With lots of drinks and horseshoes (my daddy managed to break said horseshoe in half, how does one do such a thing?!) and lawn games I think everyone enjoyed themselves. 
The invitations were swoon worthy, and overall the whole thing was perfect for me.
My mother made the comment that in the end it looked like "it could either be a three year old's birthday party or an 18 year old's graduation party." HA!
It proved that I achieved what I was going for and it was so me! ;P

April was a blast and I'm ready for all that May has in store.
Hope you all have happy Mays.

(P.S. The last for pictures are a sampling of my senior pictures, aren't they just the bee's knees?)

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